Apart from this, Mediacorp will be using my portrait sketches of actress Ivy Lee for their up & coming Channel-8 Mandarin drama series 'Love Blossom 2' which will start showing on 2.12 2008 & my drawings will appear in the 49th & 55th episodes.
I feel honoured that my works are constantly being shown on Singapore's TV programmes. Hopefully,one day my works will be shown in movies too ;-).
Jun-You can draw her pregnant but still looking pretty. Maybe she has her hands rubbing her tummy. Can you also exaggerate the size of her tummy?
Zahim-You can draw him dressed smartly wearing a tie and looking proud as he recently got a new job as a manager. Can you draw him wearing a black name tag with the word "PENGURUS" in it on top of his shirt's left pocket?
Ita-She is the tai-tai sort of person. Very classy. Maybe you can draw her with lots of shopping
bags. Need a favour from you. Can you draw the shopping bags separately from her hands but making it look as though she's holding those paper bags? This is so that my editor can animate the paper bags to make it move in her hands.
Pak Harun-He is the leader in the family. You can draw him with a serious look on his face now that there are more problems in the family and everyone is taking it lightly.
Mak Leha-She is the naggy mother but in this season, she is happy as she has a granddaughter and a new son-in-law-to-be. Maybe you can draw her smiling and carrying a baby. Once again, will it be possible if you draw the baby separately from her hands but she looks as though she is cradling the baby?
Nek Su-She is the happy go lucky grandmother who loves to watch wrestling. You can just draw her looking very happy and smiley.
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