Date of event: 26 Feb 2011 (Saturday).
Venue: SIM University at Clementi Road, Singapore.
Duration: 11.30pm to 2.30pm (3 hours).
Average drawing speed: 6 minutes per head.
I was engaged for a 3-hour event at the atrium of the University that catered for new students who enrolled for their course. When I started the session, there wasn't a queue simply because nobody knew it was for free although there was a signage prepared by the management being placed at my counter but I supposed it was too small. The first person who sat down for me to draw was 15 minutes later only after he was being told that he didn't have to pay. It was almost non stop drawing after that & as usual, the session went smoothly.
The main entrance of the SIM University.
Activities at the main concourse of the building.
The signage at my counter.
Here are 7 of my caricatures for your viewing.
Me entertaing one of the students.
Darts throwing was one of the games being set up for the new students to enjoy.
Wire puzzle for the new students to play.
Portrait $ caricature artist in Singapore.
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